Its high above the sky…some man made creature…a FLYING MACHINE..use to fly piercing all clouds & making its way to its destiny…and I, use to run all towards the open sky to watch the roaring machine flying…what else, it’s a AEROPLANE. And its just 5 years for me I even dint know spell my name of 5 letters itself. Knowing 9 letters of AEROPLANE was as high as it flew..!!!
I dreamed to be BUS driver…J seems funny na…JJ The reason being I can roam whole India (as per my thought with a age of 5 what else I would have thought better) that too without ticketJ who else can get that golden opportunity…!!!
Now lets meet AEROPLANE which I started waving hands as if the passengers are waiting for me to wave and in return they also doing the same…J Funny na…yeah …!!! It seems funny now but it was not away from truth that what we see in our childhood days. I use to say to my parents that when will they take me in AEROPLANE…they use to laugh a bit and console me with some sweet or any silly reasons...!!! But those silly reasons took 20 more years to prove it right and for me the day came where I could see the whole picture of the “AEROPLANE” in front of my eyes open..!!! J It was no more a dream now. No need for me to see these in my sleep in my dream anymore. I can even touch it with my hands, feel it and what else …??? It was now my turn to wave hand to those thousands of invisible kids there on ground who are just like a normal dreamer like me and wish that one day I also want to FLY…J.
At this point of time I grew older as a professional. But till the day I made sure that I would fly…my same dream continued which I dreamt when I was 5. It was such a breathtaking experience for me but it was early morning 4 am, I had to get up by 12am itself to make myself available by 2am. First time na..bit nervous as it ll be the different world when I step inside for checking. My beloved parents killed their sleep to make this moment memorable and evidence the silly reasons what they use to give me in my childhood…!!! J so sweet of them. And also I had my relative with me and ma sweet friend who is well experienced in all these … all were with me.. until the glass closed for checking. I couldn’t see them getting departed with waving hands. Slowly one by one everything started changing. People around me changed. The language, the dress I could see all together a different world where no one is known to me. I never guessed that flying high is so difficult. Departing all is no fun really. Hmmm at last time came that I had to get into flight. I spotted my seat n sat for the first time. Moments later the engine got hot and it was ready to fly. I was like where I got into such a trap where I cant get down as easy as my BUS nor drive myself to the place I want to. Oh it was a AEROPLANE. It took some time to realize myself but as it went for take off …. I felt awesome…as if I am moving only up in a Giant Wheel. J it was totally dark but still I could feel the kick of that burst…which got accumulated since 20 long years back. Things got stabilized as it covered more distance and height. I really enjoyed my later part of the journey.
Actually why I wrote this note is we dream so many things in our childhood. But as the time approaches to fulfill the same we forget the innocence of that dream and the things connected to it. Sometimes it becomes a necessity more than thinking about the dream this present lifestyle. This is my small effort refresh it and connect with that innocence of our own childhood. Hope you too dig out your memory and stay connected with your childhood life with any of such dream come true incident. Catch the AEROPLANE and its shadow. Stay connected.