The Veggie Burger…!!! J
Dear readers..its been quite gappy I had to stay away from blogging as because of this FIFA craze. Thought
Passed few minutes after a sunny was making its fall back to its daily destiny. I was halh the way as usual from
80 miles already we won on taxi and 80 more was still longing to travel. Me with 3 more hungry bugs at back seat of the car landed on a deserted destiny. It was more like a cowboy movie scence. Guns n caps were missing. Two big shops…Papa Jones for pizza on right & KFC on left welcomed me with red carpet. It was in my mind to decide where to shoot to make all possibilities sure in 5 mins. Well I experienced in the prior shoppies that for a take away in a pizza corner it atleast takes 10 mins. And I have only 5 mins to spare to make my tongue wet. Well obviously as a normal common sensed person I choose to move for a veg burger at KFC.
Ok got down n marched to pull a peace of veggie bread. As soon as I longed 31 steps I found myself at KFC as if it is situated at a ‘No Man’s Land’. A role super model from rger… a bunch of uncertainty questions raised in her mind like waves in the sea and she put up her face in such pathetic way that hardly meant he heard something from a man from her own mother earth. She looked at me like m just landed from Mars and asking her some very similar cuisine from Mars.. then I showed her some cabbage leaves to make her understand what I really asked….. Oh yeahh….. J was the cry after a while with that hilarious smile which surely made her a distinguished personality in that shoppie. Thank god she understood … I thanked my MIGHTY without really raising the voice.
My food got steamed in 5 mins and I carried it to Taxi without having a turn to that mighty Miss Caribbean. She sustained the same smile until I slipped out of shop. Haa.. I pulled my car door and safety belt as journey was to cover 80 more miles. Hmmmm … its time to eat now… I couldn’t wait myself and see any hungry pigs sitting back or any hospitality to invite anyone else than I me myself…J I opened the burger pack which was having some sauce and tissues with a large bread stuffed with green cabbage leaf and bunch of tomatoe slices. Above all that I had a piece fried in oil .I imagined all possible combination of that sized broad vegitable. Potataoe, Kanda, a broad banana slice… every possible combination I tried. But all seemed to be hypothetical. Nothing matched in reality. Then suddenly I remembered the suspicious smile of that
Taxi halted after reaching Sohar. Being a Gentlemen, I safely slipped the cover into the garbage bin & walked away to room. With the proud ness in mind I reached room in next 10 mins and took shower and burnt two incense sticks to my MIGHTY to surpass if I really went wrong somewhere…J
In between can anyone tell me what actually was there in that fried piece in the veggie burger..??? Please let me know if its veggie stuff haa…else please keep num haaa…. Hussh…… hsshhh……. Hsssshhhhhhh…. Papa sleeping…. J Don’t tell my parents haaaaa J