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Friday, August 13, 2010

The Report Card..!!!.. J

The Report Card..!!!.. J

Trrrrriiiiiiiiiiinnnnnnnnnnnnn…………. Bell rang to start the exam..!!!! It was English & Chemistry on single day..!!! I finished English reasonably well..!!! most of them were expected… I finished it with a golden tip. Next was Chemistry…. Which always remained a mystery in my life…. Wheatear it was Organic or Inorganic or physical…I hated that chemical equations… normalizations between the alpha numericals, balancing the equations…!!!! Ufff…!!!! This was all about chemistry. Mathematics was a real steady subject than playing with balancing of alpha numerical on either side of equation…. It is a cross breed orphan child of English & Mathematics…

Hmmm now it was time to prepare my pen & paper for another mystery test…. I saw my chemistry professor of our PU college came to distribute the question paper…Everyone got question paper… Even I got it…. What was it… OOOpppsssss it was all handwritten… and the handwriting was so idiotic that No person who can easily read & write could never understand what was written..!!! I don’t know why was that unfair justice done to me. I asked to the chemistry lecturer why was it so..!!! but he could reply anything..!!! then he went off..!!! then our hydrology lecturer of Engineering College came as invigilator. I asked him also… he stood like question mark. Even he couldn’t read it. Ufffss I was bugged up… I put the paper down & stopped my test related activities. I put my head down n slept for next hour. Bell rang to get the answer sheets back. I gave back the question paper itself…. J

Lecturer saw my face… I said this is what I got so I cant give you better than this..!!! then he realized that what Eolithic problem I was facing. He took that paper straight to the Principal. There the whole story was revealed…!!! Later they came to a conclusion that I will be awarded marks based on the performance in the previous tests. Hahaha… it was a silver lining for me.. that too for chemistry … I jus loved it. The other students were jealous to see me getting marks for a pleasant sleep in a examination hall…J

The Report cards were distributed 5 days later..!!! there were 59 students in our class… I was in some unrealistic tension…to see what I will get on the Report card…32 guys already received it … I was still waiting for my no. to come…I wanted to see what marks they have allotted to me since it was the first test and there were no previous tests took place as advised by Principal. I dint know on what basis my Princy said the above lines. And on what basis did I became happy..!!! Ooopppsss the pressure really started mounting on me..!!! I wanted to see what they have written on the Report card..!!! and who was this.. Its my 6th std calss teacher of my schooldays was distributing the Report cards to all..!!! 58 gone… I was only person left in the class..!!! why I was not called…???? Readers… Do you have this answer for this mystery question???

Tension mounted to the tip of my highly active cells in the brain and I couldn’t sustain anymore curiosity..!!!So I stood up and asked..!! “Mam I haven’t good my card yet..!!! “

Darkness prevailed everywhere..!!! TEEEK TEEEKKKKK TEEEKKKKKKKK.!!!!!!! TEEEK TEEEEKKKKK TEEEEEKKKKK..!!!! alarm beside me also got up from that stress sleep. Aaahhh… that was dream..!!!! and all characters vanished before I can see in real..!!!!!

Oooppssss this is a Gemini dream last night..!!! hope many Gemini’s gets the same sought off dreams… J!!!

Take care All Readers…!!! J