Farmville.. is a quite familiar game on today’s internet updates...tons of people who log into facebook, only traces might have been away from seeding a single seed into it. Including me…people open their account in facebook for playing Farmville…J LOL…
Well my point of discussion right now is not to make my reader go nuts on Farmville …but to drag the attention again none other than towards our loving Kencha…J.. Well this is not to say that Kencha play Farmville or something…. But Yes… Kencha was a real Jeeni…J.He adopted these games in himself ages ago…J Well system & internet in every rooms was hard to find out in those days where a normal low configured as much as 40GB Hard Disk with 1 GB RAM cost around 40K…which was no fun to find in every roo

m and was as same as a color TV in the whole of town and hundreds came to watch ‘Ramayana’ around 20 long years ago…J
Well let me come back from long flash back to the good old hostel days… Well Farmville was hardly had any meaning by then and No dictionary gave the meaning either.. But our Kencha played Beardville… Let me explain you all what exactly it meant… it is nothing but utilizing the resource like blade, razor, scissor, shaving cream, shaving brush, mirror etc like using tractor, seeds from market etc as in Farmville. Using these things appropriately at right times is where the real intelligence meant. He looks very innocent in pictures. Well looks shall be depictive J He can be studied only when someone really smells his closeness. And 4 years is sufficient to earn a professional degree… I guess its not less to learn lefts & rights about this elliptically oriented guy J When as there is some limited timing for crop harvest Kencha had timed his beard for a month and mustache after every fortnight. Well the idea behind it was… As mentioned before.. He was very much good in mathematics and henceforth it was his duty to surrender his talent and use it in present lifestyle. His main aim was to save as much as possible. May be that is the reason today he own a 2 bedroom flat and 1 car with 2 second hand 4 wheelers hired on travels…& also now booked a site in Bangalore. Well booking a site in city called Bangalore that too in this young age is no reason to be called any Joke… Oooopppsss He is the man with business chip fixed by default in his pointed haired head round black head.
Well his budget was Rs.60/Sem. This was divided as 6 blades cost Rs.6, hair cut once in every 3 months, Rs. 20 each… half shaving cream pack which came around Rs.14/- Really I had so many things to learn from him….lol J I always amused to see him whenever he would come out of saloon, he would come wit 5mm hairs on head and 15mm beard. He would harvest all his hairs on face at one stretch with some trimming of his mustache. No wonder it would take 3 more months for his head to fertilize his hairs for harvesting..!!! Well nevertheless he always noted all these things in his personal dairy with all accounts attached…!!! ! Tons of patience bounded in him to keep a note of all these activities… Hats off to Kencha… J