The Kencha Saga-5
The Red Nightmare…!!! J
Hi all… Kencha again J…. This character has enormous potential to generate story at his very breathable moment… I mean until every moment he lives for himself and others.. J Well this is again connected to the previous blog where he meets a nightmare with one eye open… J Dear readers.. Lets explore a wonderful journey with our Kencha and lets enjoy another feasting saga in the below unread lines…J Well I already thrown my life onto edge of sword by writing his stories… well “Cowards Die Hundreds But The Brave Die Only Once”- words of Julius Caesar of my sixth std English lesson sharpened my thoughts to pen down further blogs of my dearest Kencha.. J
It was 4 days on our Diwali holidays …we landed in our respective hometown. Well now it was time to pull back onto hostel again. The bus started 5 kms from my hometown where Kencha dwelled in his den. Bus started from his place. And he reserved a seat for me from his place. Bus was merely empty with traces of night journey lovers. Well he picked 4th seat from front on two seaters leaving one for me. He was dressed up pretty red which he always loved to… and accompanied by a shawl that protected him from the external chill. Bus stopped on my stop with a conductor whistle… Kencha raised his hand to make his identity in the uncrowded bus. Well… it took a minute later to say bye to my papa who came there on that drizzling night to leave me to bus stop.
After an hour we were in a big stop where we could find tons of people immigrating to Bangalore after diwali holidays. I got down to take some fresh air. Well getting fresh chilled air in that rainy night aint an good idea either. But still came out to stretch arms as we had to sit next 4 hrs like GOD until we meet our destination. Kencha stayed in. Conductor blew his mighty whistle as if he is the only and last man on earth to transport other living creatures to their destinations. People assembled back into bus as normal but I found something abnormal. The crazy abnormal thing was Kencha was not on his seat where I left him before I left my seat. My eyes rambled rest of the seat atlast found him on second seat of three seater side with a unknown fairy on his right. I saw him, his eyes caught my vision and told not to make any make any creepy noise that would lead to disturb him from that place. Well his vision has already betrayed my eyes and I had no option than to forget this cheating eyes once that jut blinked for me…L well the next stop…a mighty country side granny sided my right side and that was not new to me…LOL …J Almost atleast 90% of my whole Engg holidays travel.. I spent beside most good old senior citizens who might be having last wish to see me aside. Well I don’t want to pull my black & white story in between when you readers are enjoying Kencha’s colorful story…J
Well moments later conductor finished his homework of issuing tickets. The queen of sleep was laying her hand on my eyes and calling the day off from the cool breezy window of the bus. And so wasn’t the same for Kencha on the second seat. Well to say exactly…on the hot seat…J as a hot gal was beside him on same seat. Kencha never had such opportunity of being beside such a beautiful gal …J not atleast in his class…lol J thank god I don’t know any of the gal in his class either…Else after seeing these blogs they might have screwed me up to nuts…J the holy darkness took the whole bus in its hug and gave a peaceful sleep for almost 50 passengers out of 52….And those 2 were Kencha and the Driver. Off course driver was busy awake just not to make our destination …A black destiny!!! There was some meaning in keeping him awake… He was driving all 50 passengers to their safe destination. But what smelled with Kencha to keep him awake all length and breadth of journey..???? Rain started crying cats & dogs…. And such kind of rain was no surprise as snow in Siberia… J but this guy was not settled at all… I don’t know what went wrong with him or may be the beautiful gal might have sucked all sleep from his eyes… I could see Kencha blinking his eyes only when bus passed some street lights on nearby country side roads. The rest of all….i assumed that he was awake.
Well after sitting for an hour in darkness and chill air..its natural human tendency to shutdown his eyes and make his eye lids meet each other for longer period of time… Kencha was not a exception and he do and did belong to same human race…LOL…J naturally sleep laid its eyes hands on Kencha also …J he started floating in deep sleep and unfortunately swayed to his right. He never knew.. the beautiful girl would turn to be a nightmare in few moments… He had a jerk..!!! he hit her shoulder with his broad forehead. Ohh!!! That was something that might not started….atleast at this point of time..!!! Kencha couldn’t control his blindness in dark…though he realized that he had crossed the border which normally any gal in any bus draws up a Lakshman Rekha especially when she is beside a creature called MALE. And Kencha was undoubtedly definitely male…J Guess what… he hit her second time again… just as Harbhajan Singh took second continuous wicket against Pakistan… Kencha was celebrating fro inside… But he never knew…the third wicket would be self bomber…It would have been fair idea to remain behind the enemy lines…. But I guess Kencha adopted the Julius Caesar’s words in pretty young age and every drop of blood in this veins was the witness for the same….LOL J
Well it was time to Kencha for a hatrick and that beautiful gal to hit a six on a NO BALL in that holy darkness…LOL…J As soon as he pulled the trigger of land mine for the third time she turned around and gave a nice slap with a bashing digital clear sound….!!!!! L CHHHHHHaappppppppp!!!! Was the sound that can anyone trace in that darkness..Thanks to holy darkness…and fore-thought of that driver to put off the lights… else it would be like bombardment from unknown nations for no sins….LOL J
Well 5 mins later… driver pulled down the switch and our station was on. We had to switch on to next bus. Half n hour later we got another bus and Kencha was dull with those 4 fingers printed red on his left cheek. Till now even I was in doubt that something really went wrong. But in the next bus also a girl was sitting alone in the front seat and we got into 5th seat… still Kencha remained beside me with blinking his eyes for rest of the journey and rest of the night. Poor blinking eyes that once betrayed my eyes …conveyed all story that happened in darkness . He back-packed that shawl in his bag, may be that slap was so hot that he dint even feel the chillness in rainy night..!!! OOOPppppssss…!!!

he he he...very good narration...
Looks like you are also religiously following “Cowards Die Hundreds But The Brave Die Only Once” Even after knowing u r gonna be slapped by Kencha, you r publishing his Sagas in a great way...
Looking forward
@ Rashmi...I still dare to write more...coz i will be alive till i get back to India...:) and until m alive..I wanna live it to full extent n destroy others LOL :)
hey dont feel bad that u did not get chance to sit with a beautiful girl still u hava a chance:) u know wat i mean :)
Hahaha...@ Anonymous...Yeah I still have chance..until i get tied up lol :)
Wonderfully narrated,
nice to read
@ Guru...Thanks a Lot :)
Magne idannalla eegla helodu... hostel alle helidre yeshtu maja madboudittu :P. .But yeah you might have been not alive to tell the story now to a bigger audiance :P
@ Chinnu.... Hahaha U are rite.... He wud have murdered me :)morover....eega sigtiro maja alli sigtirle :)
akka pakka iddavru yaaru eddellilva n enaaytu anta kellilva..?? :)
@ Kavya...Hmmmm :) alli lights ella off aagittu...!!!!
hehehe... its funny... poor kencha... he cnt even enjoy his full night wd out being slapped....
ask him to go to my place.. he can sit all day wd beautiful girls wd out minding little bumps... lolzzz
Yeah Riennah... U are true :) Poor Kencha :)
hehehe....Poor kencha for little enjoyment he lost whole nights enjoyment.....
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