The Kencha Saga-4
The Drunken Master…J
Fifth sem…Room changed from 23 to 27…a rainy night…we just covered ourselves with necessary warm clothes which any intruder who gusted inside our hostel can easily say…”Yeah this is rainy season & guys do feel chilled out of cool air kissing every end just anywhere outside the room” . Most of us stayed in room till tummy alarmed evening spicy mirchi bhajis or the famous Benne Dosa…J Well, in this prospects Davangere is as sweet as nectar inside un-pollen flower from which we bees suck the nectar every evening without fail…J every hostilities and rest of the lifes in the same state would have gone crazy for the spice & taste they provide for this famous two eatables…Readers…I strongly recommend you all to taste the origin n pure Benne Dosa atleast once in a lifetime. Well now in this busy mechanical world people might have no time to send their parents to Kashi or Rameshwara…atleast send ya parents to Davangere to enjoy the feast..LOL (Bit more exaggerated I guess LOL). Sorry to deviate …I cant stop writing or stop my excitement when I just remember those chilly evenings stuffed with hot benne dosas & mirchi bajjis…J
Lets invade our Kencha now… J Well it was around 11.12 pm…door was locked apparently and someone came close to it to knock it. I opened door. It was Kencha again. I thought he might have lodged himself in some room counted between 1 to 50 except Room 7 which was allowed for Secretary to sit and do his homework. But my mind was rambling with a thought of why he was sweating in that cool season. Well thoughts got derailed out of good thoughts & caught the evil train and started thinking…Did he…..aahh…No no…this was bit more evil but never say anything haha…becoz it was Kencha…haha..He can do anything…LOL..Yes almost anything…J But I just couldn’t surrender my thoughts with some evil assumptions…So I unleashed my fights of good and evil thoughts by spitting the 4 letter and most hated word “WHAT” on Kencha’s face. Kencha absorbed it as cool as you suck the first sip of soft drink which eventually evaporated with his hot bulky body which was already sweating. His ears turned to his favorite red. He kicked his rolled bed..stretched blanket to some of the length & breadth…& buried himself as if he cant withstand the night anymore and was eagerly waiting for the next sunrise. Hmmm my thoughts travelled all along the possible thin n red lighted paths to any fair ideas. Well I had to wait 7 more hours to get the real or may be atleast near to real answer. I hit the of upper head of switch n pulled the blanket to secure me out cold till morning. Kencha was lying with half covered and half betrayed out of blanket. I was worried basically. Well I was his roomy. I had to help him out for anything. Well for anything & everything it was still 7hrs I had to wait. I even turned off my thoughts and hugged all possible sleep that was lying on each corner of the bed.
Morning 7 rays itched the most sensitive eye and holded the tiny protective hairs of eye striving to pull the eye lids to see the world again. Well it was always almighty’s decision to open the eyes atleast after the hot ball peeps from window. Well I somehow opened my left shutter & tried putting my first vision on my mighty roomy Kencha. But where is he..???? The bed rolled back to its default position. He was already awake. Oh…m I drunken…??? I turned all my 55kg mass and opened second right searchlight also…well it hardly needed to search a astroidic body weighing 135lbs of live load without any accessories fitted over his eggy body. Hmmmm…Where is Kencha???? I pushed back overloaded head back on pillow.
Minutes later Kencha made his entry to room with short towel rolled his half of lower half…J Readers…Please don’t imagine now…J..guess what…haha he always had a sweet catwalk all along the lengthy corridor with around 78 steps to reach the door of room 27. Atleast 50 steps were cleanly absorbed by the neighbor gal’s hostel and Kencha was the first and early morning treat for them…J. Well with a red bucket stepping inside with my slippers as he lost his slipper last night in some undefined world.
My mind alerted the same 4 letter word and I grumbled him WHAT.. well it was not as easy as of last night to suck into….He had to rebound something. Without taking much seconds he rebounded WHAT with a sour smile.. I asked what happened last night……His sour smile changed to some bitter stretch of lips and bended to take the clothes out of his bucket. Then he said what he did exactly last night. I told the happenings…Hmmm he had a sigh of relief. Then he said he had 5 shots…!!!! Oh my God…!!! I rambled…blood gushed in all possible veins in no time with high pressure opening all possible ways open the evil thoughts…!!!!
I asked shots..??? Is it…????? OOOoooppsss… No he cant be that weird… I cant say him weird also.. Its not his mistake…His age…and his class… wherein all 100% beautiful gals of college had 10% were worn-out scraps and unfortunately all 10% seated in his class only. He was bugged off of his class and college. Well that might be also a reason…It was all thoughts in my mind…but still…somewhere my mind was crunching to grab the full information from him…I asked what 5 shots..???? Is it..something…???? He saw question marks on my mind and took a eraser and erased everything saying 5 shots of TEQUILA.. OOpppsss…my mind was not that matured that time to think what exactly tequila meant…. Still evil thoughts ruled mighty brain saying that tequila is a name of a gal and Kencha had 5 shots with a gal called tequila. its time for me to sweat lol…J
The day went in carrying tons of doubt on my tiny brain. How can he move out of limits..???that too at this extent..!!! Its not possible…there was a war of good & evil in mind crunching every second. Well it was not false that I had seen him sometimes some natural ups n downs of heeps and much of motions after lying. But all that was natural when the age comes to picture. But this..???? is it true..??? Am I concluding in right way???? couldn’t come out of this jail of thoughts. Hmmm evening 5.45pm…we both gathered in same place as we met early morning…LOL our room only…J I atlast turned on the nozzle of cylinders of pressure that I loaded on my tiny brain from morning…and asked who is that Tequila…It sounded like Ayesha Taakia….He had a gasp n busted a cloud of laugh saying that it’s nothing else than alcohol…LOL Well Kencha with alcohol was also a shock for me as I never new till that day that he also sipped ethane and related proportionate till that day…LOL..My mind cylinders bursted out and was not less than the Tsunami waves bursted few years back…LOL… He later said he is used to it since he was class 12th…J well his parents also never knew this it seems…J
Clouds around me cleared and we both stepped for another benne dosa & mirchi out there…J
Friends sometimes really share things which shall not be shared with parents also,..LOL Well friends like me share it with world and make someone like Kencha… A unique identity..LOL…J

i dnt think so, u were so innocent to know what was TEQUILA..... :p
Yup...I also i googles spelling of :)
The moment i saw him first, i knew he is indeed a drunken master!!! His overweighted body, that alarming body diameter, that never lasting thirst and of course his great tummy which has the capabilities comparable to a tanker..... All pointed in just 1 direction....
Kudos to Kencha!!!
Hahaha...@ HB.... Kencha nin comment noodidre ninna oddadskand band hoditnalee :)
how soon after knowin abt TEQUILA u tried it..!!? dont say tat u didn't..!! ;)
@ Kavya....I googled the spelling of Taquila also today before posting it...I replaced all takila with taquila ...LOL...Thanks to Microsoft for providing this :)
ultimate expressions in words!
Hats off :)
Well that tiger was so dangerous? I was not knowing that.
Haha... PC there is still to come ..LOL.. this is just the start..!!!!
ur great... nice blog, its very funny and young guys can relate to ur story esp on the " secret part" ..lolzzz
im waiting to hear more abt those secrets ...lolz
keep it up dear...
Thank U Reianne... :) Well its all default in those age... so i think there is no need to hide all :) take lite...:)
he he he ..loved it..esp ayesha Tequila Part :) nicely narrated.
Thank U Rashmi :)
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