Thursday, July 11, 2013
Sunday, June 16, 2013
Me & My Shadow
Me & My shadow..!!!
A Reminisce…:
1st October’2011,
11:36 hrs,
Procession of series of sweat lines
made their own route to flood till feet..Those feets which were busy in thier
metabolism towards a new unseen place called Royal Enfield showroom. Minutes
later Sweat over head was num with the happiness around…from bottom of heart to
peak point of a about to fall hair to the tip of the toe-nail… Guess what… I
was About to book my dream bike…My Beast… Honestly telling I never got such a
close view to see the beast in my lifetime as it was not adviceable to see any
other’s bike so closely or termed as a educated behavior…!!! J
I saw all the variants to every inch it
shined & every minute I spent there in the showroom…Then started dreaming
of the day when really I could hold my own beast with my own skin, muscle &
bone… J
As I stood near the beast… its silence
mumbled something in my ears which hardly anyone else heard..!!! It said… “I
need to be more Muscled & heavy to handle it..” The whole night same words
ate me raw & I decided… I shall hit the doors of Gym next morning…!!! But
next morning was Sunday…& also Gandhiji’s B’day… J How can I miss my sleep & his
B’day pulling mammoth weights & play hilarious gestures to really workout
to some extent..!!!
Week rolled on…Reasons rolled in hand
in hand..& both hands made me never see the longer & shorter hands of a
analogue clock stretching 5am.
27th July’2012, 18:47
Weeks rolled on to Months…& the day
came when my mobile sobbed out to say something special…!!!! It had only 6
wonder words to say… “Your Beast is ready to collect.. J” And the whole world looked so
pampered…. J. The same night … The same words
played in my ears… I could barely build my tummy & everything remained
same… L Next day I went with a friend of mine
to grab the beast and he helped me in to land it near ma home…!!! My later task
was to pull it into home fence & make it feel secure…!!! The 185kg Beast
was quite heavy for me to shake it raw..!!! Putting all my un-dissipated energy
from every corner of the body… I finally placed the beast to its place… J. I and my shadow… took a oath that
night…. That I need to move on… I must get into some shape atleast to match
& add some contributes to the beast for its mass & size…!!!
The next morning..!!! Both myself &
my shadow couldn’t find way to think that we are suppose do some workouts
atleast… As muscles & bones called off out of pain…!!! Then after daily oaths,
commitments went in conflict with myself & my shadow…!!!
08th February’2013, 8:43
Sixth Month on flow after the Beast has
landed & No doors of Gym I found open for me…Hilarious but true..!!! J My long beard had something to grind
my thoughts and give a new flavor & look to the ever-exposed part of the
body..!!! I started having a C dumped
convex Mustache hung below nose & over
a cantilever of lips which added some weightage to suit the beast…!!!! J Myself & my shadow were also convinced a
bit thinking there wont be any further conflicts or contradiction in their
respective opinions….!!!
24th May’2013, 13:53 hrs,
I strongly believed I am the same old
man with same length & breadth but 1 Re coin into the weighing machine
turned everything into a catastrophe….!!! Days later I checked again in another
machine with another coin…!!! Result was same..!!! I was blown up by 5000 gms…
& tummy was loosing its geometry..!!! Again Myself & my shadow came into
existence instantaneously… !!! Oath was mumbled within to schedule a walk for
next day.
Same day evening I was caught with cold
& related stuffs….!!! Uff.. My state was pitiable & No sensible
homo-sapien in this world will dare to go walk in a chill morning with running
nose & stuffs…So that day also got into futile ..!!!
01st June’2013, 6:30 hrs,
Finally the day came atlast… There were too many reasons tried stopping me But
the strong will inside never repelled from its focus... After having long conflict
in mind for
about 30 minutes…Finally my both feets were lazed & with
required outfits I stepped out…crossed many street poles with lights…unopened
shutters of shops…crazy 65+ guys & gals…trying to walk faster than
me…people riding in towards a park & from the park… People carrying milk
& newspaper….ufff…I haven’t seen all such people in a single stretch in
single shoot ever in my life…!!! Mornings….Early mornings are sooo
different…!!! I had 500 mts to reach the park… 5 mins later .. I found
myself in a big park which had a perimeter of 1km…!!! I saw people wit hair to
hairless… black to grey hair…straight to curly hairs….ear-holes to
earplugs…bulgy to stiff…all kind of human race was racing one behind another to
burn their inbuilt calories…!!! 
1000mtrs plus walk towards home made me
perspire….Legs felt increase of kelvins…I thought its normal symptoms of a
athlete who re-starts his warmout after a decade… J
By evening I was worthless than that
Physically handicapped guy in park…!!! Fever hugged me at mid of the park…without
my notice…& even another’s
notice…J The Myself & My shadow who use to
take oath at every circumstances of life…were found absconding…!!! I was left
alone with the pain & kelvins…!!! I was left clueless & days after understood
that the mother nature itself is not in agreement for my decision..!!! Then why
should I go against it J
So there after… I killed Mr. Myself
& Mr. My Shadow…. J Now leading a comfortable life J
Friday, June 7, 2013
Dear All,
All characters in this
story are real & alive J No imaginary elements are involved to turn out the fancy
of the story… Inspiration being the same guy who plays the lead role in this
story & his hangover situation during my last blog… J
Sem ….was about to end
& henceforth my Engineering was on the matured stage of its 4 years…J I was much to peep
out & less to work out as we were at the end of our education journey.
Attended a campus interview few days back & was free out of internals &
assignments..!!! so myself … paper …pen ..stayed on a vacation & I had
something to plan…!!! J . And this is a cult followed in every Engineering College
Its been four years
since I heard anything from my schoolmates who stayed in different hostels
which was situated in different parts of the state..!!!! Well… What else could
be better than to meet those innocent pals whom I left from class 12th
to the preset day..!!! It was a sentimental scene then…when we all betrayed
after being together for 12 long years right from class 1..!!!
Now …on the present
day… the world looked differently after four years….!!! We were on with the
feathers & colors…seeking to reach heights of sky…J.. I planned a round
trip of Bagalkot to Dharwad where I could congregate much of my mates of beehive
of my childhood days..!!! There I set tour & travelled all the way to
friend’s dens… J
I went Bagalkot first…
found some of my boys…. Later went to Dharwad SDM college campus..!!!! Story
begins here.. J there were guys gathered to rejoice… J Myself, Pande(Pavan),
Jagga(Jagdish), Satii(Satish), Harsha & the Hero of the
This gang fairly looks
& ideally suited to make another Hang Over movie J …where Patri plays
role of Alan Garner J (My fav J) who hardly knows what he is gonna do next moment J..!!!
We all had tons of
talks… flashbacks… gossippsss….bla bla blaa…. In between suddenly my phone glew
up with a unknown number…!!! Sometimes Unknown numbers do have something to
trill about & awaken the dead soul..!!!
I received it & It
said that I was selected in the campus interview that recently took place in
our college..!!! & the gang around glittered up like a Diwali crackers
bundle bursting out with a gasp of joy prevailed in every corner of the room…J We planned a treat
that night.. & at that point of time Bachelor treat always resembles to
flooded party under color lights around..!!! We all gathered few bikes &
here it went…..vrrrooommmm…. straight to a unknown destination crossing railway
lines passing narrow streets … towards a place where we planned to
We all assembled at
the place where in we could get all required things to make the time colorful
& memorable… Everyone ordered their own choices..!!! Some said beer…some
vodka… Some never settled for Wine…!!! Patri’s brand was Wine..!!! he ordered a
small bottle of Wine… which was nicknamed as pint.. J Me & Pande had to
settle for soft drinks… L the odd man out of the group…L
Then the party begin…
Flooded with spicy snacks & Al-chos….. J. Forty Five mins later… boys started rushing restrooms..Me
& Pande enjoying the scene & provoking their thoughts to ouff out
craziest desires & dreams lol….Its almost 2 hrs… & One by one started
muting themselves from party… But the fair strong contender was out Patri… who
was with his Seventh bottle of wine Twigling & Oscillating onto the directions all around… But still
repeating the same dialogue what he started at hi first lick... J “No kick in wine…So I
prefer wine… I am still strong…” & putting fullstop everytime with a weird
smile…J Hmmm…. In next 9 mins he ordered one more bottle … &
was unble to sip the lower half…. & the head smashed the table… J This time mouth was
jobless, sound muted…& Head told the rest of the message.. J We often forget that
Silence also speaks thousand words… But Patri showed it Live… J
Somehow found him till
the opening with two lateral supports on either sides… came to the darker
outside world….Stretched one of his leg up on the bike… I backed him up from
back..!!! J He was sandwiched between two of us… J Whenever I see the
scene… of Amir & Kareena carrying Postmaster on scooty.. from 3 Idiots… My
days re-reaps like anything J..
Later Part-2 was yet
to come… Reached hostel & dragged him to his room…. Cleared the bed to find
the bed… & made him lay down… The
Wine impact was yet to happen…And the time came atlast… & he pumped off
everything like a fully Automatic washing machine will throw of the soapy water
after wash J… He found the floor more comfortable bed & we kept a
bucket nearby … for his further coarse of actions J

By then…..I often
re-collect these moments & becomes a reason to cheese my mood with spice J And dear readers… If
you can really recollect Kencha & his series, Hangout remains in common as
both were good friends in their school days …J So obvious & most eligible Part 2 of the past Hangover
Tuesday, May 28, 2013
Once Upton a tym in 2nd Semister..!!! J
Once Upon a tym in 2nd Semister..!!! J
There is always a reason to laugh on our yesterdays…!!! J No matter what the person
is today…he is still better than his yesterdays..!!!
Well my last blog was a far off yesterday…where in I was focused
to look onto my past when I was between sand dunes..!!! Its been almost 2 yrs
to re-gather the some clarity & space to think of those days & find the
right thread to catch the fish of old memories.
Banged …!!!!Uuuuuufff …
Hot summer under Non-AC 3.8mts height
RCC roof had something to say at 11.15 hrs on one of the routine Tuesday
morning. It was time to step inside after
leisure at our University of Brahmappa Devendrappa Thavanappanavar College
of Engineering. We… as usual had something to mumble in between towards each
other & towards opposite poles that sat on the other half of the class.
Gazing gesturing towards the other part was a part of settling down on benches
& atlast time was set to face a unforeseen calamity which was least
expected in the classroom in few upcoming seconds.
Mr. Nataraj ….our honorable Mathematics-II Lecturer had his left
leg into class with bundle of Internal Assessment paper in his left hand &
heavy Mathematics-II book served in his right. Everyone’s eyes got gulping
around to find the Temperature rised
with certain degrees & pulled the sweat out of pores of every open &
closed skin. Moisture inside mouth was like dried up Oasis. The simple reason
for this natural calamity in class was…Maths Internals –II had a disastrous end
a week back & that day was result day for the same which could reveal who
had flooded & who got survived.
Papers got started distributing like some pomplet for a evening show. Crowd started moving
towards the lecturer as & when he called out the names. Many received
Single figure & many more received nothing but just a answer sheet that was
submitted. Clinch of gitters able to surpass the first double digit. Target was
for 25 & to get the starting double digit itself was a Herculean task.
Don’t know with how many wives he fought before setting the question
All papers sub-ceeded among the students. No stretched lips
around. Atmosphere of a funeral prevailed to every second person sitting
beside. Lecturer congratulated on this funeral & made a announcement….
“Those who has scored below min double digit…are suppose to pair with their
parents or brothers/sisters next day”. It was a cruel assassination of students
without even asking the last wish..!!! L Mine had all every possibility
of getting over double digit…But just missed & draped at 9 collective
marks…. L Actually 9 is my lucky
Number. But here…it was not enough to do the magic…!!!

It took 20 long years for my father to realize that I can do
Engineering. But we were born Engineers. We have solution for everything.
Gururaj S. Bubby… A Medicine guy..!!! stayed at Room 29… suddenly had too much
affinity & became more closer than my own brother… J So… Doctors helps when
child gets birth… J But a Engineer creates a Brother timely when required… That is
the power of an Engineer J Another unbeatable truth is… this power limits creating
brothers only… J
Poor Bubby… stood like a
god from start to end of the session. Session
went from 10-15 mins…. Atlast henceforth came to some treaty.. had a brisk
smile on each other’s face … retraced there opposite paths….!!!!
Lecturer was on a satisfaction of spitting out his fire out like
a angry dragon spilling out its fire storm..Bubby was on way home as it if
there was a Tsunami at Mars..!!! And myself was floating over river band of
chocolate J !!!
Next two more internals was good enough to score over 20+ &
keep a healthy double figure on the triumph card by the end of the sem…!!! J Parents were happy with
the end result..!!! Mr.Nataraj was happy after spilling fire…!!! Bubby was
happy after absorbing…!!! I was happy throughout…!!! J This is the beauty of Hostel life … J Everyone was happy all the
time J Miss those days really for
sure ..!!!
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