The Middle Age…!!!
The characters coming in this blog are all real in my dream this early morning. So I can say it is a early morning show..shown without ticket in my Air Conditioned room with pillows to cushion my head n cozy blanket to keep me warm on this spring mattress…J Directed & Produced with dialogues and all supporting works to run the show was done by only one person. And that is my almighty GOD…J
Let me start now.. J Or else my readers will move out without tickets… J I am trying to recall all those incidences that are like beads & pearls to make possible that I shall present you all a pearl necklace when u read this story. So kindly have patience to read until last line of the blog…J
It was a thirsty morning. I woke up with as usual bad breathe and wanted to fetch some clear water. Mom was busy with her morning works. It’s a as usual picture for me since childhood and from the day I started recognizing & remembering my flashbacks. But by this day she had been suffering from joints pain that called itself as Rheumatoid arthritis. Name seems to be so sweet but the pain is as harsh as it sounds good. I wish my enemies also wont get this pain for a single day in lifetime. As far as I remember, since class six she had been accompanied everyday with this pain. Well still she maintained smile on her face all these fifteen years as of now as if nothing had happened to her. Its really her greatness and positive potential to bring a smile on face with such rooted pain in every vein every single second of this long period. Literally I would happily taken death as better option than suffering daily. But hats off to her. She is something a great peak full of positivity. Hmmm sorry for going out of constraint. I was bit deeply involved with my mom. Well getting back to story.. I asked her a glass full of water to quench my thirst. In her busy works also she managed to get a glass full of water. I quenched n proceeded further. Brushed teeths which was white before and after brushing. No big deal. I donno why my parents insisted me to brush every day. No big personalities in this world became great by brushing their teeth. I think my parents dint wanted to join my name with them…J
Hmmm later came to ON the TV in hall. Breakfast was ready by that time. Mom called to have. But TV dint leave me. I was sticking at 3 mtrs from TV with unseen magnetic rays. Mom later took a plate full of breakfast like feeding a sweet cow tagged inside home…J well with glass of water in one hand and plate in another she was like her child has come home after long time to home…so let him rest n herself shall erode her layers of life in nourishing this big damn child. I really was not satisfied with the role given by my almighty GOD …L Well what to do…??? I had to perform to run the show and reach the climax or end of the current ongoing show. Hmmm later she took it till the place I sealed my ass to sofa. I happily had it with both eyes towards TV without being noticed that how much pain might my mom has taken to bring it from kitchen to hall. She then silently went back to prepare for papa. Well I was always her preference in anything she had with her or whatever she did or prepared. I use to get almost more than 3/4th of it and she use to have 1/4th of it with 3/4th filled with satisfaction of seeing me having the rest of it. Well that is MOTHER. We shall always fell short to understand her. Later she had food for herself and took off the empty plate and glass in front of me. She washed all those and got busy in preparing for lunch with something special for her “Mari”… that’s wat she always cald me…J but this mari is already big enough to take half the size of 6 by 4 photo with papa n mom at one end and mari at another end... J But childrens are always small to their parents no matter how much they grow in name or size. She then brought a glass of milk to see that I have enough balanced diet.. Actually my condition all fit to start dieting as everything was going out of plumb… Papa had already went out to office n mom was alone busy in kitchen. Suddenly around 11am gate cheered up with a noise as it was unlocked with some of the people standing on the other end of gate. Mom somehow managed to witness the peoples as fast as possible to see that the customers outside wont get any chance to wait anywhere. I had already killed myself in mere sleep by that time front of TV. “Mari… someone came…wake up..” was the call…. In a quite shock I also got up n peeped long my neck to see the entering virus in our protected home sweet home… J Oh not to lie now…I donno from where GOD had picked these characters for me… those were 4 ladies in burka… J Haha… I think my almighty has also got used to my 6 months of living in this desert with gals always wearing burkas…J He din gave me a chance to see gal’s face atleast in dreams…L so sad na… Nowadays I don get dream of gals wih clear face also…L Hmmm wat to say to his direction..???? I was no way in place to question all these… well later I invited them in.. Then I realized..that name of one gal was Nargis… J Whom I was fan since my PU days…and hardly talked anytime in college…but her beauty prevailed at all ends of our college… J the other was her frnd… I donno her name… 3rd one named herself as Vinuta Bhat… I donno this character and also the fourth one.. I don remember her introduction also... Mom introduced herself with them… well they all came as we were all frns from school days and to meet this heavenly body that was home after many months… Hmmm Mom served them also with required snacks n foodings that she prepared for me… that was enough to feed four normal human beings at one shot… Papa came in between from office to have a cup of tea.. she had to prepare that also now… we all chatted and had some great time with chatting n recalling some evergreen moments. Papa got recharged and he had to leave to office again..and I had some work outside in market.. The gals went out in next few moments.. I also got up with papa to move out…and got out into vehicle…and just turned back once… there were empty plates & glasses again lying on table … but still mom was there at doors to wave hands with same intensity of love & smile on her face that never made me feel lone in this world until now… she had that intense pain in her joints but she never revealed to others… she always swallowed it with a smile…
I suddenly felt that I was somewhere missing myself…This is not my character…The GOD is pushing me hard to do this…The vehicle couldn’t start and move out off its position…even though the director (GOD) strongly insisted to run the show…. I was not able to move further… I shrugged out… and opened eyes in a gasp..His merciless movie ended in seconds…No Mom… I cant…Here am I mom… I am coming there to u… I cant be like this… U are not the servant to serve us every time…I resigned the GOD’s movie and was now onto this present world.. I was with my mom…J I helped my mom to clean up all those and consoled myself that I am not like what the almighty wanted.. I love ma mom lot more than him or his ticketless movie…
The Moral… Many a times this story remains fact as the youth n teenaged gen of this age consider their middle aged parents as to serve them n their frns when required n here all those that they wish n will.. but they forget one thing that one or the other day they also come to this stage..and then they realize the mistake what they have odne in their past… I studied a poem in my Class 6 named “The Middle Age” there the poet has very nicely explained the condition of parents and the pain that the spoiled brats give to their parents knowingly or unknowingly… My small try with this blog is to convince the younger generation to respect their parents n not to treat them anything else as like the director(GOD) was insisting me to do it… In such case just come out of the contract and try to remain in the real world with real GOD & GODESS front of us… J
Thank U All for having patience to read this long blog..well I have reduced a lot compared to my earlier blogs…will try my level best to express myself in short… J Take care All… J
Good one... ALL MOTHERS ARE ALIKE.. MOTHER is always a Mother.. between Why is that topic name Middle age for this article?
Thank U Rachna for ya comment...
Between this particular scenario deals with the parents wen they are in Middle Age...i.e. 30-45.. And in this age they have so much of expectations n love towards & from thier childrens... but the brats wont understand all these.. So to express that feelings that they feel in this Ages.. I jus named it as Middle Age.... :)
i think, my mother is suitable tittleinstead of middle age, mothe is always great
Hmmm I also think so papa :)
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